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Suggestions for changing the type of game in port 2397

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2018, 01:58
by GioHdz98
In the time that I have been in this server I have seen that many players
(even I include myself) do not like the Slayer in teams, my suggestion esque maybe we could try the classic slayer and to make it interesting to put a limit between 50 and 100 death, that will attract the attention of many players.
Thank you for receiving
- {BK} GioHdz
PS: I know I'm still a bit new to this but I know that any suggestion is received :)

Re: Suggestions for changing the type of game in port 2397

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2018, 15:15
by Miracle1325
Send a PM toBF,Este, or Rev and see what they say about it