Reflection about BK rules

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Axios Pro

Reflection about BK rules

Post#1 » Wed 09 Aug 2017, 23:56

Friends I want to share this reflection:

We are a very decent and educated team, although we often receive insults from other players many of them wallers or hacks, we are always in control. It is true that sometimes a waller or hack can despair so much but never receive an insult from a BK admin. I applaud the rules and rules that give us in BK to be good admins. Even the one who is given the opportunity to express a complaint to anyone who believes that he has been banned without reason speaks very well of the quality we have in BK.

Again I applaud the rules and rules that guide a BK admin, congratulations to those who created them.

{BK} Axiosby


Amigos quiero compartir esta reflexion:

Somos un equipo muy decente y educado, pese a que muchas veces recibimos insultos de otros jugadores muchos de ellos wallers o hacks, nos mantenemos siempre controlados. Es verdad que a veces un waller o hack puede desesperar tanto pero jamas recibira un insulto de parte de un admin BK. Aplaudo las normas y reglas que nos dan en BK para ser buenos admins. Incluso, el que se les de la oportunidad de expresar una queja a quien crea que se le ha baneado sin razon habla muy bien de la calidad que tenemos en BK.

Nuevamente aplaudo las reglas y normas que guian a un admin de BK, felicidades a quienes las crearon.


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Posts: 211

Re: Reflection about BK rules

Post#2 » Thu 10 Aug 2017, 07:22

We are always glad to see you guys happy :D

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