{BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

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{BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#1 » Tue 19 Dec 2017, 21:48

So I was playing on this server tonight and I was experiencing a lot of wallers and camping with a side serving of aimbotters...

Getting increasingly frustrated that nobody was doing anything, and nobody from BK was online, including Kronos who I usually talk to :(

  • "-Magnum44-"
  • "S-Vader(89"
  • "cam1"
  • "camilio1" (I think it was)

I have noticed that {BK}Lokus seems to be rather new here with at the time of this posting only 11 posts, but that will never excuse his abuse of admin power nor bringing {BK} in to disrepute or in my view giving you all a bad name because of his actions. I will include a video at the bottoom of this post for you all to see that I only asked him why he muted me for 10 minutes and that was the last time I got a chance to before he (I assume) IP banned me because he hates non Spanish speakers, which is NOT MY FAULT. I am from UK, and Spanish is not my first language and as a result, not fluent in it in any sense of the word, Kronos can prove this as I was using Google Translate to talk to him.

So the story goes like this...

Playing in the above named server tonight trying to have fun until a long list (as above) wallers decide to join us and cheat their way to a higher KDR, when I get frustrated with cheats, I do use some language, that is just me, but Lokus here was not present during those heated exchanges and as a result had no reason to ban me other than the fact that he is racist, and bigoted against me because of my country of origin and he has issues with us. That is unfair and I will not let this drop easily... What he did was bring {BK} in to disrepute and caused me to like BK less as a result.

My question to everyone EXCEPT Lokus the bigoted racist...

Is this something you actually allow in {BK} - Corrupt admins who only target people who are from different countries? I say that is highly unfair and constitutes being racist and in Lokus's case, bigoted. I asked him why he muted me and he never replied only kicking me a few times before banning me. Will this ban be reversed and Lokus punished by removing his admin rights for abuse of power?
at this stage I don't care if I am banned from here, it will prove me completely right in what I say.
Here is proof that he did it...
en Espanol:

Así que estaba jugando en este servidor esta noche y estaba experimentando una gran cantidad de wallers y acampar con una porción lateral de aimbotters ...

Cada vez me sentía más frustrado porque nadie hacía nada, y nadie de BK estaba en línea, incluido Kronos, con quien suelo hablar :(

  • "-Magnum44-"
  • "S-Vader (89"
  • "cam1"
  • "camilio1" (creo que fue)

Me he dado cuenta de que {BK} Lokus parece ser bastante nuevo aquí, al momento de publicar solo 11 publicaciones, pero eso nunca excusará su abuso del poder del administrador ni traerá {BK} a descrédito o, en mi opinión, le dará todo un mal nombre debido a sus acciones. Incluiré un video en el bottoom de este post para que todos puedan ver que solo le pregunté por qué me dejó en silencio durante 10 minutos y esa fue la última vez que tuve la oportunidad antes de que (supongo) IP me prohibiera porque él odia a los que no hablan español, que NO ES MI FALTA. Soy del Reino Unido, y el español no es mi primer idioma y, como resultado, no hablo con fluidez en ningún sentido de la palabra, Kronos puede demostrarlo ya que estaba usando Google Translate para hablar con él.

Entonces la historia es así ...

Jugando en el servidor mencionado anteriormente esta noche tratando de divertirnos hasta que una larga lista (como la anterior) los walleers deciden unirse a nosotros y engañarnos para llegar a un KDR más alto, cuando me frusté con trampas, uso un poco de lenguaje, eso es solo yo , pero Lokus no estuvo presente durante esos acalorados intercambios y como resultado no tenía ninguna razón para prohibirme más que el hecho de que él es racista y fanático en mi contra por mi país de origen y tiene problemas con nosotros. Eso es injusto y no dejaré que esto se caiga fácilmente ... Lo que hizo fue traer {BK} a descrédito y como resultado me causó menos BK.

Mi pregunta a todos, EXCEPTO a Lokus, el racista fanático ...

¿Esto es algo que realmente permites en {BK} - Administradores corruptos que solo apuntan a personas que son de diferentes países? Digo que es muy injusto y constituye ser racista y, en el caso de Lokus, intolerante. Le pregunté por qué me había silenciado y él nunca me respondió, solo me había pateado un par de veces antes de prohibirme. ¿Se revertirá esta prohibición y Lokus será castigado al eliminar sus derechos de administrador por abuso de poder?
En esta etapa no me importa si me expulsan de aquí, me demostrará que tengo razón en lo que digo.
Aquí hay una prueba de que lo hizo ...
Last edited by «DN»Lasky® on Wed 20 Dec 2017, 18:07, edited 1 time in total.


Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#2 » Wed 20 Dec 2017, 00:45

You have discord? That way we can talk about it.

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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#3 » Wed 20 Dec 2017, 01:45

Whats to talk about?


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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#4 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 04:36

Clearly nothing has changed with Lokus being a racist bigot all because of my location and of course the fact that I cannot speak fluent spanish.

It is clear from my stand point that this "admin" bans people for no reason and with impunity and NOTHING IS DONE!!!

I was starting to like {BK}, but to be really honest it is clear that Lokus has racial issues that are not going to change and that I don't see {BK} doing anything about it in any event. Please feel free to surprise me if you like.

I say that Lokus is a racist, and a bigot and not only this but also an admin power abuser. Clearly, Koronox's warning to her made ZERO difference!


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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#5 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 05:26

I have not had the opportunity to play with Lokus but for that fact I do not say that it is false what you say to the contrary I urge you to continue with the case and that the true culprit be shown and the appropriate sanction applied. On the other hand, I am from Central America and from Guatemala exactly and I would like to be able to talk and chat with you since you can see that you have good potential to support our Community. Do not accuse us of being corrupt in moments of anger, but be patient and we will be able to overcome this embarrassing situation. Greetings friend and encourage, we hope that your case is treated as soon as possible by one of our superiors.

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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#6 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 05:29

Someone like you does not have the ability to reason, if you want to say that I'm a racist when I said "No Spaniol Man" that was not for you, I was talking to Ghost117, or I do not understand why he says I hate the UK, since I never I mentioned that, like you have no proof that I have done it ...

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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#7 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 10:57

Clearly someone did not read my post fully.

I told you I was recording and you laughed thinking I was bluffing along with all the cheats at the time too. Fyi, I can reason, Lokus, you were to busy trolling me along with the morons I was trying to report for cheating. My video exposes you Lokus, as an admin abuser at the very minimum and a completely unreasonable and malicious bigot at worst. I called you a racist because you only seemed to be muting me because I cannot speak fluent Spanish and only know a little.

I am actually from UK and do not like the way that you treated me. What you have done is clear admin abuse and you spent no less than 10 minutes fabricating a reaon to ban me in Spanish and kept muting me so I was unable to respond. Also, I recorded where you got mad when I killed you with a gauss rifle and that you "teleported" me to a part of the map where I was unable to move, that alone makes you an admin abuser and at no time was I "camping" unlike some of you on red team might I add.

I firmly believe that you are a racist bigot and you seem to hate the fact that I am unable to speak Spanish fluently and you are incapable of accepting the fact that I can't through no fault of my own I might add, something I also told you in game play but you just ignored it.

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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#8 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 15:12

you always cause problems in servers insulting people and then playing the victim as for lokus he will be dealt with dont insult the admins

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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#9 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 15:15

Liar. I was the victim here and I act in frustration not that you would understand or even try to. Trolling me just makes it worse and Lokus was enjoyingbalong with everyone else. Including you legendkill.

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Re: {BK}Lokus - Administrator abuse by {BK}Lokus/Administrador abusivo por {BK}Lokus

Post#10 » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 15:24

dont play victim u insulted almost everyone in the server and accused people of hacking just because someone kill u they hack???

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