Welcome to Blackshalo. This forum is all about Black and BK servers on Halo and Halo CE. We are a gaming community with many popular servers for almost 15 years in a row, where you can have hours of fun each day. You can ask all kind of questions about all the different games we host on Halo and Halo CE. All games have a special forum on the main page. In the case that you want to join our community, please leave us a request on this forum: viewforum.php?f=22
After filling in your request, you will be answered soon.
If you have a personal question to one of our admins, or super member moderators, please feel free to send them your personal question. You can do that with private message (PM)
When BK clan is recruiting, we take your request very serious. So far most of the requests get a fair chance to join us. When loyalty is proven, we get to higher levels with you as a new admin.
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