Application from Erick xD - 2302 (Zombies CE)

Apply for admin and get a chance to become a part of Blackshalo!

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Erick xD
Forum Member
Posts: 2

Application from Erick xD - 2302 (Zombies CE)

Post#1 » Mon 28 Oct 2024, 00:12

A user, Erick xD, has applied with the following information using the application form.
Nickname: Erick xD
Applying for: 2302 (Zombies CE)
Reason for applying:
Para ayudar con el orden y mejorar la experiencia de todos los usuarios

Your desired name (May only contain regular letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9), max 7 characters): BK Erxck
How long are you playing Halo?: 3-4 años
What names do you use in Halo and/or BK servers?: Erick
How many hours do you play on BK servers (daily/average)?: 1-2 horas
What is your age (optional)?: 16 años
Did someone recommend you? If so, who did?: Dragón, Bgthief

High Admin
Posts: 126

Re: Application from Erick xD - 2302 (Zombies CE)

Post#2 » Mon 28 Oct 2024, 00:34

Bienvenido nuevamente al foro erick, espero todo vaya bien.
Fuiste admin y no recuerdo haber visto que lo hayas hecho mal, de igual forma se revisará tu comportamiento y se le dará una respuesta.
Finish them. :twisted:
Discord ID: zzzdragooon

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