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Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 05:40
by Han-Solo
Greetings everyone,

It's me, Han Solo again and I come to you for the request of being promoted to a higher level of administration. I feel that now is the best time to do so as I have listed down some reasons which you can consider while doing the same.

=> During gameplay, I have encountered some admins (leyend, BobaF3t, etc.) who all they speak is Hispanic and languages other than English. Well you would be pleased to know that I being an admin, insist the players to use English as their medium of communication as much as possible so as to enhance the gaming experience radically.

=> I have helped reduce profanity. It is pretty much inevitable for somebody to experience obscenity. Well, I'd like you to know that I have decreased the amount of invectives used, drastically, and you'd hardly find any player that actually abuses out of reason. Special thanks go to the power of muting through which there has been peace all over the server.

=> I have become more dedicated to the server more than I ever was. Not only have I increased my active gaming hours more than ever before, I have understood the psychology of certain vermin that usually tend to disrupt or spoil the fun and great expectations somebody has in him/her while joining the server and have dealt with them accordingly.

=> A lot of people respect and commended me as a good admin especially fellow admins and former admins, such as the likes of Leyend, BobaF3t, Frostis, AlphaR, Kylo-Ren (one that I highly recommend to be reinstated to admin, by the way. And I'm not standing alone in that assessment) etc. They've stated that I have all the doohickeys it takes to make this server a safer, better and friendlier place. Eventually, all of the players would come to believe that this server is truly the #1 server in the whole wide world. I wish to play my part in expediting that.

=> Most importantly, I am confident I can be an indispensable asset to the server if i am assigned more responsibility. I feel that there is yet much wherewithal and potential left in me, and that can be tapped into further with more obligations to attend to. A higher level of administration, therefore, can help implement this.

I, therefore, humbly supplicate the founding fathers (blackfather, proshooter001 and whoever else may be leading this) to kindly consider promoting me to a higher level. I am convinced that I can do just as good as, if not better than the current higher level administrators.

Thank you for reading this post and for your gracious consideration of my candidature and I anticipate and hope for a positive response from you fine and honorable gentlemen.

I am, truly,
yours faithfully,


Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 05:53
by Rev
Good reasons!!
Do you know how to use hac 2 /sightjacker ?

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 07:00
by Han-Solo
Yes, Stealth. I am more than proficient in HAC2 and Sightjacker as well as its other minutiae. I've been using the aforementioned tool for a couple of years to regulate the server. I'd report the wrongdoings done by players and would warn them to repeat the same. It is certainly a valuable modus operandi for a good vigilante-esque admin like me.

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 07:23
by Esteban
Kylo was given his admin rights back along time ago he just needs to login with name of {BK}Kylo.
Halo world is different and changeable and you became admin 8 days ago you still need more time, when everything is good then you will have an upgrade soon.
We don't ask people to speak english when they can't speak it, our world has hundreds of languages and we must live with that.
We don't mute people who say the F word, but we mute those who insult players alot of times. Also wre don't mute those who are chatting in the server and tell them to "stop talking and start playing" we DON'T do that.

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 07:50
by Rev
fair enough.
also we don't kick all hackers, but only those that cause the players to leave the server.

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 08:21
by ShawnCrahan
Exceptional reasoning Han solo! I'm contentedly looking forward for your upgrade to level 1 :D


Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 11:56
by »Kylo-Ren®
Alright thanks Esteban, the login works. And hey uninterpretable-username-dude, so you decided to stick to a Slipknot member's name like I suggested you to? xD

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 13:08
by Esteban
What name?
The system was like that since the begining, you can't log in unless you are using your admin name.
Or do you mean something else?

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 16:50
by »Kylo-Ren®
No I was addressing Frostis for his username. I was just stating that the name of one of my favourite musician's and I suggested him that name which he literally sticked to although he hated it at first. Nothing else.

Re: Application for granting of the position of a higher level administrator.

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 22:44
by blackfather
Yes Han solo we apreciate your urge to help us more and better. I suppose you will be getting your upgrade soon. Stick with it, and you will be getting detailed information when the time is there.