Complaint on admin's job

Moderators: {BK}_DD, proshooter001

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Complaint on admin's job

Post#1 » Fri 27 Mar 2020, 19:51

Hello, today I've been playing for a couple hours on your server. There also were admins (specificly BK Dvil) using aimbots, walls and lags when they use zombie mood ( just ask for proofs and I will upload on youtube ). Besides that, I was betrayed by few players so I started asking that admin and another one to take action. No action was done so I had to betray back that guy who was ruining my gameplay, since then Dvil first muted me, then ip-banned only for telling him to do his job.
I'd say you'd better select your admins and make them respect the rules when it's about to keep the server clean from such people. I hope real action will be taken towards this people, in other case just tell me that betraying and hacking is allowed so I will follow that way. but it becomes unplayable when honest people come in to the server.
Have a nice day!

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Re: Complaint on admin's job

Post#2 » Fri 27 Mar 2020, 20:04

I just came back in the server and got banned again. Seems like a guy 'retsul' keeps asking to get me banned for 'insults'. Aimbotter's speech though.

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Re: Complaint on admin's job

Post#3 » Fri 27 Mar 2020, 22:07

No tendría porqué estar contestando esto pero no tengo nada mejor que hacer...

Me acusaste de hacker injustificadamente solamente porque dije en el chat "así es banda, soy bot" pero a lo que no prestaste atención fue que entre PepsiCola, retsul y yo estábamos haciendo bromas sobre nuestras kills, por lo visto no hablas mucho el español y okey mal interpretaste mi comentario o más bien dicho no lo entendiste (ni el sarcasmo del comentario ni el contexto), pero aún estuviste aferrado a que retsul, ax2 y yo estábamos usando hacks cuando claramente todos en el servidor estábamos jugando de forma limpia y sana.

Te silencié por 10 minutos porque estabas haciendo comentarios ofensivos y xenófobos hacia los demás jugadores (en especial a un jugador llamado John Wick), te advertí dos veces antes de usar el comando que moderaras tu vocabulario pero me ignoraste, y ahora te excusas diciendo que fue porque me dijiste que hiciera bien mi trabajo. No eres el primero ni el último en decirme que hago mal mi trabajo, no me importa, al final de cuentas te banee por seguir haciendo comentarios xenófobos en español y en Inglés y porque sólo estabas molestando a los demás en la partida, y ellos son testigos de que no miento e incluso se alegraron de que te fueras al menos por un rato porque sólo estabas arruinando el buen ambiente que había en el servidor.

Te recomiendo que dejes de subir reportes falsos a la página porque sólo te haces quedar mal, se te baneó por comentarios racistas y ofensivos, además de acusar injustificadamente a otros jugadores de uso de hacks, aceptar tus errores y mejorar para ser un jugador sano es de campeones crack, tómalo en cuenta :))

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Re: Complaint on admin's job

Post#4 » Fri 27 Mar 2020, 22:47

Besides the fact I'm speaking english and not spanish, I'm just reading all your bullshit I got videos of you banning me when I just joined the server.
Also I posted proof of your friend 'retsul' aimbotting, you defended him all the time and ignored all my requests to kick or ban him while he was betraying and walling.
Now u speak about racism to defend your weak position, just like some politics. sad.
Check out my report on your friend before speaking trash, please.
P.S. if u feel that so personal well I may tell you I'm sorry, my language wasn't clean but also yours wasn't. you guys trolled me when I had evidence of multiple hackers. don't talk about ruining the server's atmosphere because people was tired of playing against 5 aimbots. I'm going to post more evidence as much as u need.

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Re: Complaint on admin's job

Post#5 » Sat 28 Mar 2020, 00:02

I'll take act betraying and hacking is allowed. btw I already bypassed the IPBAN. see ya next games I hope you won't qq too much

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Re: Complaint on admin's job

Post#6 » Sat 28 Mar 2020, 01:03

Oh I'm so scared.
I wish you were a lion also with all those people who hack regularly and laugh about you admins. Ban me as much as you can if that can fulfill your life. Goodnight

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